The accused admitted to paying the PRO Dh35,000 to help him obtain the residence visas for his sister and her son.

A businessman faced trial in the Court of First Instance on the charge of offering bribe to an officer at the general directorate of residency and foreigners affairs.

A 33-year-old Iranian PRO, who allegedly approached the officer with Dh20,000 bribery offer on behalf of the Iranian businessman and allegedly collected Dh30,000 for his help, was also co-charged with helping and abetting in the offence.

The case dates back to January 17 and was reported to Al Muraqqabat police.

A policeman, who translated the businessman's statement during interrogation, said the accused admitted to paying the PRO Dh35,000 to help him obtain the residence visas for his sister and her son.

A police lieutenant said the PRO was a regular visitor to the department and that he began getting friendly to him while at work in October 2016.

"He would initiate conversations about individuals paying sums of money to get visas. But when I told him to reveal the identities of all involved he would not. I made him believe I was willing to help in the issue of an Iranian woman getting visas for herself and her son for Dh20,000."

The lieutenant added: "He first offered me Dh40,000 and later reduced it to Dh20,000 and then tried again to get Dh5,000 for himself but I acted as if I am not willing to give any more discounts for credibility's sake."

The PRO was later arrested in a sting operation by the police after he had handed the officer the necessary documents and visa applications.

Source: Khaleej Times