He threatened to post online her nude pictures

Sharjah Police have arrested an Arab man for blackmailing an Emirati woman by threatening to post online her nude pictures which she sent to him seeking herbal cure for her pain.

A top official from Anti-Cyber Crime Department said that N.A.A, an Emirati woman, filed a complaint via e-mail of the department saying that she was introduced to an Arab man identified as J.Z.M. by her colleagues at work, as he claimed that he can cure people from all kinds of ailments through herbs.

She said she started to communicate with him over the phone, and he asked her to send her pictures and an amount of Dh10,000, which she transferred to him through a money exchange.

While communicating with him through WhatsApp, he asked her to send her nude pictures so he could see the location of the pain, and then asked her to pay an additional money for treatment. She sent him Dh6,000, but he continued to demand for more money.

When she refused to give him more money, he threatened to post her nude pictures online that she sent to him through social media. It was then that she decided to complain to the police. Police have launched an investigation and manhunt to arrest the man.

Police urged the public to immediately report cases of cyber blackmailing and assured that they will be dealt with confidentially.

Source: .khaleej Times