They locked up the staff inside a room and stole valuables

Three Pakistani men, who barged into a massage centre and robbed staff of their mobile phones at knifepoint, have each been sentenced to two years in jail.

The Court of First Instance found all the three men, aged 21, 19 and 21, guilty of the charges of physical assault and forced robbery, and ordered their deportation.

Court documents show the incident occurred on November 14, 2016, when the three men barged inside the place and threatened the masseuses with knives.

They got away with four mobile phones and a laptop.

A 34-year-old Filipina, who worked at the centre, told the prosecutor the thieves dragged her and other staff by force inside a room and locked them up while they looked for valuables to steal.

A 33-year-old Thai masseuse said the thieves had knives and were yelling at the employees to give their mobile phones.

The police tracked the defendants down thanks to the fingerprints picked up from the centre.

The court ruling can be appealed within the legal deadline of 15 days.

Source: Khaleej Times