company that was in a contractual agreement with a telecom provider

A Pakistani man, currently on the run, was working at a company that was in a contractual agreement with a telecom provider, when he allegedly abused his post and fraudulently availed for himself and for others Dh188,720 worth of services.

The ex-employee has been charged in absentia for wrongfully using his privilege access to the e-system to forge as many as 60 application forms for post-paid numbers and 60 smart phones.

He faked signatures on 49 forms while 11 forms he issued in his own name.

He has been charged in the Court of First Instance with forgery and intentionally damaging his workplace interests and incurring bills worth Dh188,720.

Another sales employee of Indian nationality has also been accused, in absentia as he is at large, of forging 37 application forms for post-paid numbers and 37 mobile phones and unlawfully availing of Dh120,460 worth of telecom services.

Another Indian sales employee, aged 40, has been accused of similar forgery and embezzlement incurring bills Dh 98,687.

A fourth sales executive, a 23-year-old from Pakistan, is accused of fraudulently availing services worth Dh55,427 through forgery and fraud and by abusing his post and user access to the system.

The case dates back to between May and July 2014.

The company, where the four accused worked, had an agreement with the telecom provider to sell its services.

Their duties included dealing with customers and completing the application forms after the necessary customer documents were submitted (ID or passport with valid residency visa, salary certificate and credit card). Their instructions and regulations were to hand the services and devices once the documents were verified and after collecting the due fees while saving customers' details in the system.

However, according to public prosecution records, the four men breached their duties and abused their powers and their company's trust to log into the e-system and forge applications and fake signatures for their own benefit.

They were charged with embezzlement of a public corporation funds, intentionally damaging public funds, failing to preserve the interests of their workplace to make personal profits and forgery in addition to the felony of unlawfully availing of Dh463,294 worth of telecom services.

Source: Khaleej Times