The mother of Jaycee Dugard, who was kidnapped as a child and repeatedly raped over 18 years, has lashed out at the couple who held her daughter, calling them evil \"monsters.\" In a statement released as California couple Phillip and Nancy Garrido were jailed for life over the abduction and sexual abuse of Dugard, Terry Probyn recalled how her perfect daughter was ripped from her at the age of 11 in 1991. \"I protected her innocence and her purity. She was sweet and kindhearted, a gentle, quiet, compassionate soul. Together forever, bonded for life,\" she said, describing her eldest daughter\'s birth and early life. \"Then on June, 10th, 1991 my world went dark. My sunshine was taken away. I asked God, \'What did I do wrong? Why am I being punished? How could anyone with a heart or a conscience... take an innocent child away from its mother? \"For 18 excruciating years, I endured a huge gaping hole in my heart that some evil being had put their hand into and had ripped out. For 18 agonizing years, I guarded what little I had left and lived in hell on this earth.\" Damning the couple, who were jailed for 431 years and 36 years, she added: \"It was you, Nancy Garrido, and you Phillip Garrido, that broke my heart. You took something that didn\'t belong to you. You hurt my baby. \"I hate you both for the torment and anguish you put my daughter, myself, and my family through. I am nauseous at the thought of the sexual exploitation and the brutal abuse she endured at your uncaring hand,\" she continued. \"I am sickened by the reality that she had to suffer your cruel and heartless imprisonment for so long. You are the epitome of disgust, and no amount of jail time or even death will cleanse your corrupt souls.\" She added: \"You do not deserve to live or die or even exist. Your mother did not give you life to destroy others\' lives, and I can guarantee that she would be ashamed to know she bore evil.\" \"You are nothing, other than selfish, self-serving, self-gratifying monsters. What you have done... is unforgivable and the only satisfaction for me is that I know you will never lay eyes on my daughter again,\" concluded Probyn.