USS Harry Truman aircraft carrier has moved to the Mediterranean Sea, from where its bombers are jetting off faster and more frequently to strike Daesh targets

After six months in the Arabian Gulf, the USS Harry Truman aircraft carrier has moved to the Mediterranean Sea, from where its bombers are jetting off faster and more frequently to strike Daesh targets in war-ravaged Syria and Iraq.

CNN was given access to the Truman, where a new dramatic tempo has been set. Planes take off or land every few minutes, with only intermittent breaks, pushing others responsible for bomb supplies to work night and day to keep up with the new pace.

An F/A-18 Hornet comes in to land on the deck of the Truman after a mission against Daesh. Its empty wings indicate bombs have been dropped.

The Truman has been instrumental to the United States' military campaign against Daesh, known as Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq and Syria. Aside from a land base in Turkey, it is the main launching point for bombing runs against Daesh.

It has now dropped more bombs on Daesh than any other vessel in America's fleet.

Source ; MENA