United Nations

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has outlined a new victim-centred approach to prevent and respond to such abuses committed by those serving under the UN flag, and underscored that the United Nations should not be, in any way, associated with the vile and vicious crimes of rape, sexual violence, exploitation and abuse, the UN News Centre reported on Friday.

"Such acts of cruelty should never take place. Certainly no person serving with the United Nations in any capacity should be associated with such vile and vicious crimes," Guterres said in a video message announcing his report released today on the issue.

"Let us declare in one voice: We will not tolerate anyone committing or condoning sexual exploitation and abuse. We will not let anyone cover up these crimes with the UN flag," he added.

The Secretary-General's report, titled "Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: A New Approach", outlines a victim-centred strategy that is rooted in transparency, accountability and ensuring justice.

Noting that exploitation is also deeply rooted in gender inequality and discrimination, Guterres said that promoting gender equality throughout the UN system, including its missions and peacekeeping forces, would help advance parity and at the same time decrease incidents of abuse.

"Let us do so in the name of all who look to the UN for life-saving protection and support – and on behalf of the tens of thousands of UN personnel around the world who deliver that assistance with courage and commitment to the highest ideals," he stressed.

Based on four tracks, the approach documented in the report focuses on the rights and dignity of victims; ending impunity for those guilty of crimes and abuses; drawing on the wisdom and guidance of all those who have been affected, civil society, local communities and others to strengthen and improve UN's efforts; and to raise awareness and share best practices to end the vicious scourge.

The report also emphasises the need to engage with UN Member States and calls for a high-level meeting on sexual exploitation and abuses in 2017 on the margins of the general debate of the 72nd session of the General Assembly.

The report further notes that the UN chief would seek Member States support to establish a system-wide consolidated confidential repository of case information to be placed under the supervision of the Special Co-ordinator on Improving UN Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.

It also includes a detailed list of actions and recommendations, along with the relevant UN entity that would be responsible for consultation with relevant stakeholders, as well as provides data on allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse across the UN system and by non-UN international forces authorised by a Security Council mandate, covering the period from 1st January to 31st December 2016.

During his first week in office, in January 2017, the UN Secretary-General established a diverse High-Level Task Force, led by his Special Coordinator Jane Holl Lute, to develop, as a matter of urgency, a strategy to achieve visible and measurable improvements in the way the Organisation prevents and responds to sexual exploitation and abuse.