Two-year Saudi child and a Pakistani man were killed and 10 people

A two-year Saudi child and a Pakistani man were killed and 10 people, including six Saudis, were injured when attackers fired at company workers at a development site in Al Mansoura in Qatif in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province.
The attackers also fired at bystanders and passers-by as well on the heavy machines used by the company to demolish abandoned old houses in the area to pave the way for a full development project that would include shops, restaurants, residential towers and a cultural centre.
The Ministry of Interior said that the attackers also targeted the company vehicles as they attempted to sabotage them and stall the development project.
When the police rushed to the site to deal with the situation, they were forced to exchange fire with the attackers who started shooting randomly, killing and injuring innocent people.
According to the police, two Pakistanis, one Sudanese and one Indian were injured in the attack. The Indian national is believed to be in critical condition.
The Ministry of Interior said that its forces would continue to carry out their duties in enforcing the law and protecting the people. They will also continue to guarantee the completion of the project, including the demolition of old houses used as dens and hideouts for their criminal activities that included kidnappings and trafficking in drugs and arms.
The ministry requested people to stay away from the development site and to avoid using the roads that lead to it for the sake of their own safety. It also encouraged suspects to put an end to their criminal activities and surrender themselves to the authorities.

Source: BNA