Turkish Military

Eighteen ISIS militants were killed in northern Syria over the last 24 hours as part of Operation Euphrates Shield, the Turkish military said early Thursday. 
Turkish Armed Forces also hit 182 ISIS targets, including shelters, defense points, command and control facilities, and vehicles, said a Turkish General Staff statement. 
Coalition forces also hit three targets on the 149th day of the operation, Turkish Anadolu Agency (AA) reported. 
The Turkish army is supporting Free Syrian Army fighters in their fight to liberate Al-Bab from the group. 
The statement said that Russian jets also hit ISIS targets in Al Bab region as part of an agreement with Russia. 
On Wednesday, a Russian military commander said that Russian and Turkish air forces have conducted their first joint air operation against the ISIS group in Syria. 
Since the start of the operation, 2,970 handmade explosives and 43 mines have been neutralized under controlled conditions, Turkish military added. 
Operation Euphrates Shield began in late August to tighten border security, eliminate the terror threat along Turkish borders, and support opposition forces in Syria.

Source: QNA