He jumped into the water and pulled the boy out.

When Clayton Cook and his bride Brittany Cook married last Friday, they could have hardly imagined that their post-wedding photo shoot would take a dramatic turn and add a special hue.

As they were posing for snaps in Ontario's Victoria Park, Clayton saw a young boy almost drowning in the lake. The groom wasted no time, ran off the bridge and dived into the water -- all suited-up. He grabbed the boy -- who was struggling and gasping -- by his arm and pulled him out to safety.

The incident was captured on camera by wedding photographer Darren Hatt. Hatt commended Clayton on his Facebook post, which went viral in no time. He said it was Clayton's presence of mind and his promptness that saved the child.

"I was the last one to see anything," Hatt told CNN. "When I spun around, Clayton was there already scooping the child and putting him back on the ground."

"The kid was underwater on his back. He ingested water and there was mucous coming out of his nose," Hatt told London's CTV news. "It was scary. (The boy) was struggling. It could have gone unnoticed," he added.

The boy was fine, though a bit shaken.

"That's Clay to me. It doesn't even surprise me that that happened," Brittany Cook told CNN newsgathering partner CTV. "It's something he would just instinctively do."

She said Clayton's quick thinking and selfless action were just some of the reasons she fell in love with him in the first place.

Source: Khaleej Times