The incident was reported in Texas

A 19-year-old mother in US killed her two daughters by intentionally leaving them in hot car.

The children, aged one and two-year-old, were left in the car for 15 hours overnight. Their cries and pleas were ignored by Amanda Hawkins while she was hanging out with her 16-year-old male friend in her house.

The incident was reported in Texas.

" This is by far the most horrific case of child endangerment that I have seen in the 37 years that I have been in law enforcement," Kerr County Sheriff Hierholzer was quoted as saying by the Daily Mail.

The sheriff also said Hawkins's male friend slept for a while in the car during the night but did not take the children out.

Amanda took her children out the next day and found them unconscious. She did not report the incident to the police.

She was convinced by her male friend to take the children to hospital but couldn't save their lives.

Police investigated and questioned Hawkins before she confessed to leaving her children in the hot car. She was arrested on Thursday and has been charged with two counts of abandoning or endangering a child, although police say these charges may be upgraded since the children died.  She is being held on $70,000 bond, the newspaper report states.

Source: Khaleej Times