Firefighters rescued the 4-year-old

A father's addiction to drugs could have claimed the life of his kid, but thanks to the agile firefighters who averted a sure disaster.

The man, a US Army soldier, was held in North Carolina for overdosing, with his four-year-old stepdaughter in the backseat of his car.

Twenty-five-year-old Jessie Andrew Davis of Fort Bragg was charged with misdemeanour, child abuse and misdemeanour contributing to the delinquency of a minor, said The Fayetteville Observer.

Davis used narcotics on Friday night at a Walgreens parking lot in the company of his stepdaughter and two acquaintances, the cops revealed.

After being reported about the incident, the alert authorities promptly responded. The firefighters swung into action and found Davis unconscious around 7pm and quickly administered Narcan to revive him.

The stepdaughter, rescued by the firefighters from the scorching vehicle, was "drenched in sweat", the Fayetteville Observer reported. It was sweltering heat outside when the incident took place.

The man's two accomplices fled before the authorities arrived at the scene.

Davis was taken into custody on Saturday, and his bail was set at $25,000.

He will appear in court on August 10.

Source: Khaleej Times