A police cordon blocks a street near the Manchester Arena

After the British Police revealed the identity of the suicide bomber who single-handedly launched a deadly Manchester Arena Attack in packed hall, leaving 22 dead and over fifty injured, including children and teens, it appeared that the father of the attacker is member of the Libyan group headed by a hardliner and has relationship with Ali Al Salabi, the Mufti of the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood.

The suicide bomber was identified as Salman Abedi, born in Manchester in 1994 and of two Libyan parents, said the British Police and two US officials as quoted by a source at the the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), commonly known as MI6.

According to information procured by Skynews Arbiya , the father of the terrorist is Ramadan Bul Qasim Al Abedi, member of the combating Libyan Group, led by Abdul Hakim Belhaj, who is connected with the Muslim Brotherhood Al Salabi, and who is living in Qatar. Belhaj is one of the Al Qaeda Organization elements, who claimed the British Intelligence had kidnapped him, and later released him before he filed a it against it in which he demanded millions Sterling Pounds in compensation.

Moreover, the father of the suicide bomber politically belongs to " Al Umma Party", an affiliate of Sami Al Saadi, who is codenamed " Abu Al Monzir", who is also one of the leaders of the Libyan Al Qaeda, an offshoot of Al Qaeda Organisation. The organization played important role in spreading chaos and violence in Libya, particularly in the czapital Tripoli.

The same information pointed out that Ramadan Bul Qasim Al Abedi is regarded as close friend of Sohail Al Sadiq AL Giriani, son of the Ousted Libyan Mufti, who issued edicts calling for fighting the Libyan army, and incites terrorism and violence.

The information overlapped of what was mentioned in a document a copy Skynews Arabiya had got from the recordings of the Libyan state Security Apparatus that labelled the wanted person during the era of the deceased Libyan leader Muammar Al Qaddafi.

The Libyan state security agencies classified in the document Ramadan Abu Al Qasim Mohammed Ali Al Abedi as one element of Al Qaeda Organization. It also said he was a resident of Qasr bin Ghasheer neighborhood in the Libyan capital Tripoli before he fled and sought refuge in UK accompanied by his wife and returned home after the ousted of Qaddafi.

Source: Khaleej Times