Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau, centre, the leader of Nigeria's Islamic extremist group sorrounded by his fighters

Female members of Boko Haram are almost as likely as men to be deployed as fighters in northeast Nigeria, challenging a widespread perception that these women are mainly used as cooks, sex slaves and suicide bombers, researchers said on Monday.
While men in the terrorist group dominate in leadership and training roles, women may outnumber them in other senior roles, such as recruiters and intelligence operatives, according to a report based on interviews with 119 former Boko Haram members.
Four in 10 female respondents said they served as soldiers — compared with 45 percent of men — while both sexes carried out domestic tasks like cooking and cleaning, the report found.
“Recruiters are adapting to the tightening security environment,” said Mahdi Abdile, director of research at Finn Church Aid and co-author of the study, adding that women and girls are increasingly being targeted for recruitment.
“The intelligence community is on the lookout for young men, so it is easier for women to navigate past security barriers and penetrate communities,” he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
Boko Haram has killed about 15,000 people and displaced more than 2 million in Nigeria in a seven-year insurgency to carve out a caliphate, and it still launches attacks despite having been driven out of much of the territory it held in 2014.
The terrorists have stepped up suicide bombings carried out by children in recent years, many of them carried out by girls, according to the UN children’s agency (UNICEF).
While there has been a global focus on these female suicide bombers, women in Boko Haram have long been involved in planning logistics, planting mines and bombs, and fighting as soldiers, said Vincent Foucher of the International Crisis Group (ICG).
The report also found that six in 10 of the former militants — who are currently undergoing rehabilitation programs — were introduced to Boko Haram by friends and relatives, while only a quarter learned about the group at schools.

Source: Arab News