he five are currently detained in public security prisons and undergoing investigations.

Police arrested five people — four foreigners and one Saudi — for links with terrorist groups and recent terror operations in the Kingdom.
The five, arrested this week, are two Syrians, one residing in the Kingdom, one Indian and one Pakistani residing in the country, and a Saudi.
The five are currently detained in public security prisons and undergoing investigations, security sources said.
Since August 2009, 19 Indians have been arrested. The first to be arrested was accused of ties with terrorists and is now serving a prison term. The rest of the Indians detained are currently being investigated.
As far as Pakistanis are concerned, 51 have been arrested since 2003 in connection with terrorist operations. Most of them are under interrogation, while some of them are already serving prison terms.
Since 2004, 182 Syrians have been arrested in connection with terror case. Most of them are under investigation.
So far, 5,277 people are detained in public security prisons. Some are serving prison terms, others are at the appeal stage while yet others area still under investigation, according to the most recent data released by the Interior Minis

Source: Arab News