1 Turkish soldier killed in north Syria

One Turkish soldier was killed and five others were wounded in clashes with the Islamic State (IS) group in Kabr al-Mukri region of northern Syria's al-Bab, the Turkish General Staff stated Wednesday.

The Turkish army said that the clashes broke out around 5:00 p.m. local time (GMT 1400) in the area, and the wounded soldiers were brought to Kilis State Hospital across the border for medical treatment.

Turkish gendarmerie captured a suspected IS sniper in the Elbeyli district of southeastern Kilis province on early Wednesday, Daily Sabah reported.

The Syrian citizen was taken into custody. It is reported that the suspected militant identified himself as Ismail Mahli and confessed that he and his brothers were active inside the IS and served as snipers.

Meanwhile, 17 IS terrorists were killed by Turkish army in Al-Bab of northern Syria in last 24 hours, Turkish General Staff stated on Wednesday.

The Turkish Armed Forces launched the Euphrates Shield Operation last August against both IS and the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), the military wing of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD).

Turkey regards the YPG and the PYD as terrorist organizations due to their links to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). 

source: Xinhua