Reasons of growth rate conflicting numbers
Expert, Nofal Nassry

Morocco's economic expert, Nofal Nassry said there are objective reasons for the conflicting numbers in the official institutions in Morocco, regarding the growth rates of the Moroccan local economy.
This is due to the difference in using the scientific instruments and data accredited to estimate these figures, Nassry said. "The growth rate is the indicator that we can know the biggest conflict in its appreciation, and other indicators of the unemployment rate, proportion of the budget deficit, deficit of the payments' balance and inflation are closely linked to the growth rate," Nassry stated.

The economic expert stressed that  government  depends on the expectations and results prepared by either its ministerial sectors or administrative interests. Morocco Bank , and by virtue of its independence, and by virtue of its organization for monetary policy, it depends on its specific figures taken from  its financial indicators reports, Nassry added.

On the other hand, the Moroccan economic analyst believes that most of the approved techniques do not take into account the national and global changes controlling the economic activity. " There are some factors cluttered the expectations, such as the inability to know the climatic changes in Morocco, which represents at the same time, the main determinant of the national growth rate,, what led to the decline in grain production rate to 50%", He added.

The national and international financial institutions, revealed its forecast for the growth of the Moroccan national economy, which ranged between 3.6 and 4.5 percent.