TV presenter Souhair Shalaby

Egyptian high-profile TV presenter Souhair Shalaby said that she extremely loves working on media, saying that she would not abandon her career. She stressed her aspiration to return to the media, while she still waits the suitable work which copes with her great history.
She denied what was raised over her retirement, saying that she has not taken any decision to retire or to leave her career as a TV presenter, saying that she still aspires to the suitable opportunity to seize it as soon as possible. She stressed her keenness to choose her future works carefully to meet the expectations of her fans in all over the Arab world and not to undermine her career.
She added that she is keen to follow the fans’ reactions over her works, saying that these reactions are considered the major standard on which she depends to assess her success. She stressed her keenness to not to repeat the ideas she presented before, saying that she turns to diversify her works.
She stressed her confidence that the Egyptian Television will restore its position in the near future, saying that that the media presenters working in different satellite channels were working in Maspiro during the beginning of their career. She underlined the important role performed by the Egyptian Television to increase the public awareness not only in Egypt but also in the region as whole.
She added that she turned to participate in drama too late, saying that she was talented actress in the beginning of her life, while she preferred to work in media. She praised her career as a media presenter since its beginning, saying that she managed to achieve notable success and her programs achieved high popularity among the fans in all over the Arab world.
She also praised the idea to create a new drama season far from Ramadan, saying that a large number of drama works managed to achieve success among the fans. She stressed that the Egyptian drama managed to compete with the Turkish drama.