Al Jazeera office in Egypt

Al Jazeera office in Egypt Cairo – Sohaib Yasin Attorney General Abdel Majeed Nadab sent a team of prosecutors to survey the aftermath of the fire that broke out on Wednesday in the offices of Al Jazeera in Egypt. The offices were located in one of the estates overlooking Tahrir Square. The team was sent to collect witness statements and evidence from the scene. A group of demonstrators gathered in front of the station offices and tried to break in. They smashed the glass at the front of the offices and threw Molotov cocktail bombs. A fire broke out soon after and destroyed the office and the studios. Al Jazeera correspondent in Cairo Naser Al-Hasany said there were clashes outside the offices between demonstrators and police officers. The protests were held on the first anniversary of the Mahmoud Street events in Cairo in which dozens were dead and wounded last year. Al-Hasany said the reasons for the attack were unknown. Unrest broke out Tuesday night all through Wednesday morning, with protesters blocking roads to Tahrir Square with tires set on fire.