In an exclusive Interview with Arab Today, famous Egyptian television presenter Riham el-Sahly said she hopes sit-ins in support of deposed president Mohammed Morsi in Rabea Al-Adawiya and Nahda squares end without any violence.  “Ending any sit-in with violence leads to death and injury and we don’t want more killing of young Egyptians, and the Morsi supporters are Egyptians despite their ideology,” Sahly said. “I hope that there will be initiatives for peaceful reconciliation without any loss of lives,” she said, adding that “I also hope that the supporters of the former president intend to begin a new phase of developing Egypt without wasting time on disputes, wars and bloodshed.” “Although I have been attacked by Islamists during their sit-in outside the media production city, I wish as an Egyptian we all come together,” Sahly said. When asked about the role of the military, Sahly said “Defence Minister General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi did the right thing for Egypt, he didn’t make this decision alone, but all Egyptians were involved. When he found the majority of the people were supportive, he made the decision (to depose Morsi), that’s why this was not a military coup.”  “The thing that really made me happy in Ramadan was when Muslims and Copts fasted together on Friday, July 26, the day people took to the streets to give a mandate to the army and the police to fight terrorism, we felt Egypt’s unity when we heard churches’ bells with mosques’ calls for prayers at the same time,” she added. Sahly said her program titled 90 minutes on the al-Mehwar satellite channel will continue as usual with interviews of leading figures on the political scene as well as in economy and art. The famous presenter concluded by saying she is looking forward to spending the Eid al-Fitr holidays, marking the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan, with her family.