UNRWA: 8,500 Families in Gaza Receive Shelter Support
UNRWA: 8,500 Families in Gaza Receive Shelter Support

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) continued today with the disbursement of Temporary Shelter Cash Assistance (TSCA) in Gaza. The funds US$ 9.3 Million are part of the German contribution for the repair and reconstruction of homes that have been rendered uninhabitable during the 2014 conflict. 
With support from the Government of Germany, 8,500 eligible families who are in the process of or are waiting to repair or reconstruct their shelters that were damaged or destroyed during the 2014 conflict will receive payments to help them with the repair/reconstruction process. 
Commenting on the start of the disbursement, Head of the German Representative Office in Ramallah, Peter Beerwerth said: "Thousands of families in Gaza, who need these funds the most, will benefit from this measure. Germany is committed to continuing its support to the people in Gaza in close cooperation with UNRWA." UNRWA will be able to disburse TSCA to eligible families within one week; the disbursement will cover all of the monthly payments for the first quarter of 2016. 
"We are very grateful for this support, which attests to the strong partnership between Germany and UNRWA," said Bo Schack, Director of UNRWA Operations in Gaza. "This support will enable families to live in dignity while rebuilding their homes," he added. 
Germany has been a key partner of the UNRWA shelter repair and reconstruction response in Gaza following the 2014 conflict, providing a total of US$ 65.4 Million (EUR 57 Million). Overall, in 2015, Germany contributed US$ 91.7 Million (EUR 83.2 Million) to UNRWA. Germany is the Agency’s fifth largest donor and has been a member of the UNRWA Advisory Commission since 2005.

Source: QNA