The UN Refugee Agency

The UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, called on Sunday for European countries to help Italy to cope with an increasing flow of migrants after some 2,500 were rescued at the weekend and dozens were reported missing at sea after leaving Libya.
"Libyan coastguards recovered the bodies of eight migrants from an inflatable boat found east of Tripoli on Saturday," reported Reuters.
"At least 52 are feared missing from two incidents involving large numbers of people on flimsy dinghies off the coast of Libya on Saturday," the UNHCR said.
The agency also called for renewed efforts to help refugees and migrants in the countries they cross before they reach Libya, saying people were exposed to "horrific exploitation and abuse" in these states.
"Over 1,770 people are estimated to have died or gone missing trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea so far in 2017," according to the UNHCR. More are believed to have died in the Sahara before arriving in Libya.

Source: WAM