UAE Red Crescent distributes meals to 1000 families in Shabwa, Yemen

The Emirates Red Crescent has distributed meals to 1000 families in Radoom Directorate in Shabwa Governorate, Yemen.

The assistance included providing basic food supplies, as Shabwa works to return life to normal.

Abdullah Al-Mussafery, the UAE Red Crescent representative, said the organisation would continue distributing meals to all citizens of the governorate. He affirmed that this project was an initiative by the UAE, which remains focused on supporting the citizens to help them overcome the crisis and eliminate their suffering.

He also spoke of the willingness of the organisation to continue carrying out humanitarian projects and delivering aid to needy people in the different parts of Shabwa.

The local officials in Radoom expressed their gratitude to the UAE Red Crescent for their assistance.

Also, the citizens of the directorate expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the UAE providing them with necessary humanitarian aid during the difficult times caused by war.