The UAE has headed the first meeting of the joint committee of

The UAE has headed the first meeting of the joint committee of experts and representatives of Arab justice and interior ministries to discuss an Arab draft law to protect and help victims of terrorism.

The meeting kicked off on Wednesday at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the League for Arab States, in Cairo.

The UAE was represented by Lt. Colonel Turki Al Dhohouri, Representative of the Ministry of Interior, who stated that this two-day meeting would discuss the draft Arab law to protect and compensate the victims of terrorist acts.

In a statement on the sidelines of the meeting, he added that this law aims to support Arab countries on legislations regarding the compensation for terrorist victims by offering them the required social and economic assistance, agreeing on legislative processes and providing a foundation for all Arab countries to create laws for compensating victims.

Yasser Abdel Moneim, Director of the Legal Affairs Department at the Arab League, said that the meeting is implementation to the recommendations of team of Arab experts tasked with putting into place a wider Arab draft law to protect and help the victims of terrorist acts.

Speaking on the sidelines of the meeting, Moneim stated that the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice was assigned to prepare this draft and circulate it to the ministries of justice and interior of Arab countries to receive their feedback. The first meeting of the committee included about 38 clauses, which are indicative and not compulsory with regards to compensating the victims of terrorist acts.

The draft law also aims to compensate the victims of suicide bombings and kidnappings and those missing, injured and aggrieved as a result of terrorist attacks, as well find appropriate mechanisms that guarantee and promote their rights and privileges and provide them with a dignified living. It also aims to establish the necessary institutions to protect and monitor the victims

source : wam