UAE Ambassador Obaid Salem Al Zaabi, UAE Permanent Representative at the United Nations

UAE Ambassador Obaid Salem Al Zaabi, UAE Permanent Representative at the United Nations, UN, and other International Organisations in Geneva, gave the nation’s speech in front of the UN Human Rights Council, UNHRC, as part of the review of the 3rd national report on the Kingdom of Bahrain, in front of the working group concerned with its Universal Periodic Review, UPR.
Ambassador Al Zaabi welcomed Abdullah bin Faisal Al Dosari, Assistant Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and his accompanying delegation. He expressed his appreciation for the valuable speech at the start of the session that acknowledges Bahrain’s efforts to execute the recommendations of the 2nd round of international commitments.
He added that the national report on the Kingdom of Bahrain confirms the extent of its government’s commitment to human rights, and its desire to continue strengthening and developing its national institutions that guarantee the protection of these rights.
He highlighted the co-operation of the Bahraini government with all human rights organisations, especially the covenant committees and special procedures, and its strengthening of constructive dialogue with the UNHRC and the Office of the High Commissioner, OHCHR, based on mutual respect for agreed international rules and customs.
He praised the advanced steps of the Bahraini government in taking many important measures such as police training programmes, strengthening the role of the police in applying international human rights standards, supporting these remarkable achievements and following relevant procedures while under the UPR for its national report.
The UAE presented two recommendations, the first called for transparency on general police behaviour towards the public, and the second recommendation called for taking effective measures to put into effect the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, CRPD, which was adopted in 2011. 

Source: BNA