Abu Dhabi - WAM
The Governing Board of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) has approved the UAE candidature to host the INCOSAI XXII Congress to be held in 2016. The approval of the candidature was decided during the 63rd Meeting of the INTOSAI Governing Board which took place in China from 19 - 22, November 2012. The meeting was attended by Dr. Harib Al Amimi, President of State Audit Institution. The INTOSAI Governing Board has unanimously approved the UAE SAI to host the INCOSAI XXII Congress to be held in 2016, therefore; the UAE represented by the SAI President will chair the Governing Board of INTOSAI during the period 2016-2019. Dr. Harib said that \"This achievement is an important event in the historical achievements of the UAE in the International forums. It is considered recognition of the distinctive position and professional status achieved by the SAI during the previous stage which enabled it to host the INCOSAI XXII International Congress to be held in 2016.\" Moreover, the professional efforts and works exerted by different levels in the SAI, whether in the daily work or participation in international and regional forums, and the professional and developed level of the UAE Government and people were the motivation of this successful achievement such as hosting the 3rd EUROSAI-ARABOSAI conference held during the last year. The SAI President concluded that he is confident that the UAE SAI will best benefit from all capabilities to make such distinctive event one of the other events hosted successfully by the UAE whereas the UAE Government is characterized by distinctive regulation and preparation of these events and forums. It is worth mentioning that the INTOSAI is considered the second largest organisation in the world and it includes 190 countries represented by the supreme audit institutions. INTOSAI comprises the General Secretariat, Governing Board, Congress as well as Seven Regional Working Groups that cover all continents. The main activities of the INTOSAI are to enhance the level of audit work in the government sector, build capacities of supreme audit institutions and develop the overall framework of audit standards in order to support accountability and transparency principles in managing public fund.