There is a need for a balanced equation between the inter-security of energy, water and food to deliver Sustainable Development Goals, a senior UAE official said during the preparatory session for the Ministerial Meeting of the Asian Co-operation Dialogue, ACD, in Abu Dhabi on Tuesday.

''It is necessary for the ACD member states to implement national policies and legislations that integrate elements of energy, water and food to achieve sustainable development,'' Dr. Mattar Al Neyadi, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Energy, told the meeting.

Highlighting the vital importance of water, Al Neyadi underscored that water resources management is the top priority for decision makers.

The meeting discussed the ACD’s plan of action for 2017-2019.

The UAE official also met Bundit Limschoon, Secretary-General of ACD, and reviewed preparations for the ACD Ministerial Meeting.

The 34 member ACD was inaugurated in June 2002 in Thailand as a continent-wide forum, the first of its kind in Asia. One of its key principles is to consolidate Asian strengths and fortify Asia’s competitiveness by maximising the diversity and rich resources evident in Asia. The core values of the ACD are positive thinking, informality, voluntarism, non-institutionalisation, openness, respect for diversity, the comfort level of member countries and the evolving nature of the ACD process.