The trial of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak on charges of complicity in the deaths of protesters, was adjourned on Saturday, after a brief session. Security sources told Arab Today that Mubarak, 85, his two sons, Alaa and Gamal, who are standing trial on corruption charges, and the ex-president\'s former interior minister, Habib el-Adly were all absent for security reasons. It was the first time Mubarak, had missed a session in the retrial, which got underway in May. The judge adjourned proceedings until August 25. Saturday\'s session was closed to the public, with only a handful of journalists permitted to attend the trial due to security concerns. An initial  trial against Mubarak, which awarded him a life sentence, was overturned by an appeals court on the basis of procedural errors. Mubarak is on trial along with his two sons, six former high-ranking security service officials and a businessman, Hussein Salem, who has fled to Spain. The former president was overthrown in early 2011 in an uprising that left more than 850 dead, according to official figures. The new court date coincides with the beginning of the trial against senior leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood. Members of the organisation, including supreme guide Mohamed Badie, who is at large, are accused of inciting the deaths of protesters. Muslim Brotherhood, which was banned during Mubarak\'s time, came to power following his downfall,  winning both presidential and parliamentary elections in 2012. The Islamist government was then pushed from power by the military after massive June 30 demonstrations against its president Mohammed Morsi. Additional source: AFP