A Damas jewellery store was broken into in the early hours of Monday and 8-10 kg of gold stolen, a Sharjah Police official confirmed on Tuesday. The outlet is located in the LuLu Centre in Al Rolla area along Al Arouba Road. The crime took place around 3am, police said. However, when contacted by Gulf News, Damas officials refused to comment as the case is under investigation. According to witnesses, police were at the crime scene taking fingerprints even before the owners arrived. "The footage from the closed-circuit television inside the store has been recovered and we are viewing it in search of clues. The store will stay closed until the investigation is complete," a police official said. The robbers allegedly broke into LuLu Centre first and then made their way into the Damas store, breaking the store's glass front. According to police, the store was equipped with an alarm system, which enabled police to reach the scene of the crime immediately. Damas replaced the broken glass in an attempt to safeguard its reputation after the incident.