Terror Crimes Prosecution

 Advocate General and Head of the Terror Crimes Prosecution, Ahmed Al-Hammadi, said that the Public Prosecution had received a report by the Cyber Crimes Directorate indicating that an individual had posted comments on social media networks that criticitized the decision taken by the Kingdom of Bahrain and other countries regarding the State of Qatar.
The post, the Advocate-General said, undermined the kingdom’s standing and respect. It also undermined the real reasons on which the stance of Bahrain vis-à-vis the policies of the State of Qatar was based.

The Qatari policies and practices contravened the principles of the International Law and the fundamentals of the relations between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, and led to the sovereign decisions taken by the kingdom.

Al-Hammadi added that the Public Prosecution had launched a probe into the report, questioned the suspect and remanded him in custody pending further investigation.

Source: Fana News