Rabat - Arab Today
An individual was arrested Wednesday morning on suspicion of having killed a member of parliament in the Constitutional Union party (UC) on Tuesday, said the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) in a communiqué released Wednesday.
The DGSN said that the suspect is a 27-year-old with an existing criminal record, and is suspected to have already threatened the MP due to a personal conflict between the two.
At around 10 PM on Tuesday, the UC MP was fatally shot three times while sitting in his car parked outside his home.
According to preliminary investigations, there was a black car lurking in the surrounding area of the deceased’s residence whose riders started opening fire and then fled.
The DGSN noted that the police have confiscated weapons in the suspect’s house, including two hunting weapons and cartridges similar to the same ones used in the MP’s murder.
The confiscated weapons have been referred to the technical and scientific police laboratory in order to be examined.
The DGSN noted that the investigation is still underway.
Source :Morocco World News