Chief of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee Mohammed Ali al-Houthi

 Chief of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee Mohammed Ali al-Houthi congratulated the Yemeni nation and the Supreme political council on the occasion of the first anniversary of peaceful transfer of power in the country.

In his congratulation statement to the nation and President Saleh al-Sammad, the president of the Supreme Political Council, Chief al-Houthi said :"The best option to prevent destruction and chaos to the homeland is by adopting the peaceful transfer of power, as a real option."

The country marks the first anniversary of peaceful transfer of power, one year after the power was peacefully and in a democracy way transferred from the Supreme Revolutionary Committee to the Supreme Political Council.

In his statement sent to Saba, the chief al-Houthi called Ansarullah movement and General People's Congress and their both allies to cement unity.

Chief al-Houthi also called on neighboring Saudi Arabia to stop its war against the Yemeni people, stressing that its aggression would not give it any advantage.

Source: Saba News