Dubai - Arab Today
The Supreme Legislation Committee in the Emirate of Dubai, SLC, yesterday hosted a panel discussion entitled, "Legislative Audit Guidelines for Proper Implementation of the Legislation in force in the Emirate of Dubai".
During the sessions, 17 participating local government entities gained valuable insights on the legislative audit. This includes the rules and measures for auditing the regulatory procedures followed by government entities to ensure the proper implementation of local legislation in Dubai, with a view to achieving the objectives for which it is drafted in line with the vision of the Dubai leadership to create a pioneering and excellent government.
The panel discussed two main topics. The first was "Objectives and Principles of the Legislative Audit in the Emirate of Dubai", while the second was "Legislative Audit Standards for Proper Implementation of Legislation in the Emirate of Dubai".
During the first session, the attendees were informed about the objectives and scope of legislative audit through an interactive dialogue which highlighted the outcomes of the Legislative Audit Policy. These outcomes include legislative audit systems that comprise preventive systems aimed at preventing offenses, evaluation systems used to assess whether existing legislation is effective, transparent, and capable of achieving its objectives, and development systems devised to update legislation in force in line with Dubai’s development plans and strategies.
The second session discussed the world’s best legislative audit standards to be adopted in line with national efforts to improve the legislative system and achieve the goals of Dubai Plan 2021. The discussion was an ideal platform to inform the participating government entities about the four key pillars of the ‘Legislative Audit Standards’ adopted in line with Dubai’s development plans and strategies, namely, ‘Transparent Legislation’, ‘Pioneering and Excellent Government’, ‘Reliable Legislation’, and ‘Reduction of Legal Disputes’.
Dr. Belaisha Ali bin Belaisha Al Ketbi, Director of the Legislative Audit Office of the SLC, said that the panel discussion was organised as part of SLC’s commitment towards achieving its strategic objective of optimal implementation of legislation. He emphasised the importance of raising awareness of the Legislative Audit Policy amongst government entities. He explained that this policy focuses on the development of the legislative audit systems, whether preventive, evaluation, or development systems, to control the legislative process in Dubai, and to ensure the drafting of cutting-edge legislation, and rational and effective legal opinions, with the ultimate objective of creating distinguished legal environment.
Bin Belaisha pointed out that ‘Legislative Audit Standards’ was the main topic of the panel discussion due to its strategic importance as a first of its kind initiative at a global level. Aside from giving strong impetus to the process of developing the legislative system, it embodies one of the strategies of the Dubai Plan 2021 in building a pioneering and excellent government characterised by transparency and reliability.
Bin Belaisha added, "Our policy focuses primarily on improving the transparency, efficiency, modernity, and clarity of legislation regulating the functions of government entities, and on ensuring its consistency with the federal and local legislation in force in Dubai. This will ensure fair and reliable implementation of all government laws and regulations in a manner that preserves the rights of all concerned individuals and institutions, and will eventually achieve the happiness of people and well-being of society in line with the directions of our wise leadership."
SLC has previously met and coordinated with the concerned entities in Dubai to develop the ‘Legislative Audit Policy’ for the proper implementation of applicable legislation in line with the vision of the Dubai wise leadership in creating a legal environment that promotes sustainable development, and in setting clear and defined rules and frameworks that ensure effective control over the implementation of legislation.
This will be achieved by training government entities’ employees who are tasked with implementing the relevant legislation, forging partnerships with the entities concerned with applying legislative best practices to develop and update legislation, and address existing challenges, with the ultimate objective of furthering the government goal of catering for the happiness of all segments of society.