
Oman has been rated as one of the least corrupt among Arab countries in the latest Corruption Perceptions Index of Transparency International Organisation.

The 2016 index has rated the Sultanate at 64th place at the world level, the 5th place at the Arab countries’ level and the 4th place at the GCC level. 

The index covered 176 countries against 168 countries in 2015. The results issued by Transparency International were based on the opinion of experts, specialised opinion polls and three available sources at least for evaluation of each country.

The State Financial and Administrative Audit Institution (SFAAI) follows up on the results of the index and closely works with the state institutions on improvement of the performance and enhancement of the Sultanate’s ranking in such indices.

To this effect, the Council of Ministers has formed a committee chaired by the Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Planning and with the membership of SFAAI to further enhance the Sultanate’s ranking in global indices.

The committee has recommended establishment of an office to be affiliated to the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI) to coordinate the government efforts to this end.

With the Sultanate’s joining the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the government has sought to further strengthen the efforts for enhancement of integrity and the civil community participation in preserving the national achievements, in response to the Royal Directives of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said.

Source :Times Of Oman