Shamma bint Sohail Faris AlMazrui, Minister of State for Youth Affairs

 Shamma bint Sohail Faris AlMazrui, Minister of State for Youth Affairs and Head of the Emirates Youth Council, stated that H.H. Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, Chairwoman of the General Women's Union, Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation and President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, the "Mother of the UAE," is an exceptional role model and inspiring example, due to her role in creating the environment that empowered Emirati women and enhanced their effective participation in the UAE’s growth and prosperity.

In a statement marking Emirati Women’s Day, she pointed out that Sheikha Fatima has reinvented the concept of the successful woman, empowering them towards greater achievements and to serve their nation and community. She also promoted the culture of co-operation and the combining of efforts, to realise the interests of the country and establish an exceptional generation of female leaders, who are playing a major role in creating the future, she added.

"The nation has given women all they desire and empowered them to participate in all areas of work. They have a great responsibility to pay back the nation and participate in the ongoing work to establish the values of volunteering and community responsibility, as well as to strengthen the framework of community solidarity and to be inspired by it, through a roadmap whose journey has renewed giving in a country that was established on the principles of giving, raising humanity’s importance and the values of co-operation and tolerance," said AlMazrui, in reference to Sheikha Fatima.

AlMazrui also praised the key role of Sheikha Fatima as the main cornerstone supporting and empowering women in the UAE, while expressing her pride for Her Highness’s efforts to strengthen the role of Emirati women in all areas.

AlMazrui added that Emirati women, due to the support of the wise leadership, are still at various stages of a journey, where they are moving rapidly with selflessness and loyalty to the nation, and are prepared to sacrifice themselves, making them a leading example in the region and earning them great honour.

She pointed out that the UAE’s honouring of Emirati women on Emirati Women’s Day is a celebration of the mother, sister, daughter, and wife, who are half of the community and creators of happiness for the other half.

AlMazrui further added that the country’s support for its women was never just symbolic, while highlighting the clubs and organisations that support them, contribute to their development and enhance their skills, most notably the General Women’s Union, which was established in 1975 to complete the overall advancement of Emirati women.

She concluded by calling upon Emirati women to express the feelings of pride, as women who live on the nation’s lands and belong to it, and where they participate with all their abilities, to ensure the UAE’s advancement.

Source: Wam