Saudi embassies celebrate National Day

Saudi embassies and consulates have celebrated the 81st anniversary of the National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In New York, in the presence of Prince Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Prince Dr. Turki bin Mohammed bin Saud Al-Kabeer, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Multilateral Relations; the Permanent Representative of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations Abdullah bin Yahya Al-Mualami and Saudi Consul General in New York Azzam bin Abdul Karim Al-Gain held a reception party on Monday to mark the Kingdom\'s National Day. The party was attended by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon; the Secretary General of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of The Gulf (GCC), Dr. Abdul Latif bin Rashid Al -Zayani, a number of Arab foreign ministers, and heads of delegations to the United Nations.