The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has stressed that Qatar

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has stressed that Qatar insists on destabilising its security and that of other countries in the region, in addition to supporting terrorism that threatens the entire world.
This came in a press statement issued by the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations in New York, Ambassador Abdullah bin Yahya Al-Mu'allemi, according to the Saudi Press Agency.
He also highlighted Qatar's participation with Tehran in their ongoing endeavour to create chaos in the region. He said that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt have taken a sovereign decision in boycotting Qatar, in order to maintain security control in the region and urge Doha to stop supporting terrorism.
Saudi Ambassador Al-Mu'allemi also explained that Qatar has chosen to be an ally of Iran, and for 20 years it has supported terrorist groups despite knowledge of their plots against countries in the region.
He stressed that Qatar's continued support for terrorism is what has made Doha a haven for terrorists. They find a fertile environment, while the government receives and allows those terrorists to conspire against their own countries.
He also affirmed that the four countries the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt tried to keep Qatar in its natural surroundings. Doha was given several opportunities to stop supporting terrorism and avoid interference in the internal affairs of countries, most recently in 2013 and 2014, yet these efforts failed and Qatar did not comply with repeated requests.

Source: WAM