The Popular Current founder Hamdeen Sabahi met on Friday with Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki in Tunisia. In a press release issued by the Popular Current, the opposition group said the meeting tackled the democratic transition process in Egypt and Tunisia. During the meeting, Sabahi asserted that Tunisia is capable of providing an example to follow for the democratic transition in Egypt due to the cooperation in ruling the country between the Tunisian presidency and the ruling coalition government. Marzouki urged Sabahi to persuade Tunisian political powers to unite to finalize the transition phase as soon as possible by holding parliamentary and presidential elections by the end of 2013, the statement said. He also said that he is closely following up the political situation in Egypt that is directly affecting the situation in Tunisia. He extended his hope that Egyptian political powers will reach a national consensus to end the state of polarization dividing the country. Sabahi is currently in Tunisia to participate in the meetings of World Social Forum, which kicked off in Tunisia on Friday.