Qatar Reaffirms Supportive Stance for Libyan People and Government of National Accord

The State of Qatar has reiterated its firm and supportive stance for the fraternal people of Libya and its backing for the Government of National Accord and supporting its efforts to complete the steps incorporated in the Libyan political agreement so as to help in establishing the rule of law and state institutions.
Abdullah Khalifa Al Suwaidi, third secretary at Qatar's permanent mission to the office of the United Nations and international organizations in Geneva, made the remarks as he addressed the 34th session of the Human Rights Council during an interactive session on the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on Libya.
Qatar's statement before the council called on all political factions in Libya to end the fighting and reach a permanent political settlement through comprehensive dialogue and national reconciliation that put an end to the ongoing conflict and take the country back to the democratic path that preserves Libya's sovereignty and territorial integrity and stability.
The statement reaffirmed that Qatar will continue to provide all kinds of support that would help in ending the conflict in Libya and empowering the Libyan people to face the challenges, rebuild a stable country, and achieve the aspirations of development and prosperity.
Meanwhile, the statement highlighted the importance of the work of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) and called for increasing support provided to it in order to help it fulfill its mandate in an optimal manner.
In this regard, the Qatari statement urged concerned U.N. bodies and mechanisms as well as the international society to support the Government of National Accord to carry out its duties in achieving security and stability as well as enhancing and protecting human rights.

Source: QNA