President al-Assad salutes Syrian army on Army Day

President Bashar al-Assad expressed confidence in victory over the aggression targeting Syria thanks to the sacrifices and heroism of the Syrian army. Addressing the Syrian army and armed forces on the occasion of the 68 anniversary of the Army Foundation Day in a speech published by Jaysh al-Shaab (Army of the People) magazine, President al-Assad saluted the Syrian army \'\'who is protecting the homeland\'s dignity and honor,\'\' lauding its unequalled valor in confronting terrorism. President al-Assad emphasized the army\'s role in safeguarding the cultural identity of the Arab nation and Syria, hailing the mutual bond of confidence between the army and people in what constituted \'\'the secret of our legendary steadfastness.\'\' \"You have shown the whole world that pressure and conspiracies, no matter how tough and varied, will only make you even more determined to confront challenges, and emphasized that there are sacred principles in Syria based on the interests of the Syrian people and their national and pan-Arab goals,\" President al-Assad said. \'\'Had we in Syria not been confident of victory, we would not have been able to remain steadfast and resist the agression for over two years,\'\' President al-Assad affirmed. President al-Assad saluted the souls of martyrs and their families and the Syrian people all over Syria.