Tunis - ANSA
The Tunisian Interior Ministry on Thursday reprimanded Tunisian media and civil society for rallying in support of a young woman who was raped by police officers, but also confirmed that the violence did take place. \'\'The justice system is based on facts, and the judges will base their verdicts based on the facts at hand,\'\' Faouzi Jaballah from the Interior Ministry told reporters. His comments followed on widespread outrage after the 27-year-old victim was summoned by the investigating judge on Wednesday to face charges of \'\'indecency\'\' from the two police officers accused of raping her. The young woman and her fiance were \'\'apprehended\'\' in their car by three police officers on September 3. One officer immobilized the young man while the other two raped the young woman, the couple said. All three officers were subsequently arrested. They are due to appear on rape charges on a new hearing on Tuesday. Leading human rights and feminist groups and other prominent members of civil society have called for a protest outside the court on Tuesday in support of the young couple.