Dr. Yahya bin Mahfoudh Al Mantheri, Chairman of the State Council and Chang Sye Kyun, President of

Dr. Yahya bin Mahfoudh Al Mantheri, Chairman of the State Council, received Chang Sye Kyun, President of the National Assembly of Korea and his accompanying delegation on Sunday.

The Chairman welcomed the guest and his accompanying delegation and wished them a successful visit. He hoped that the visit would achieve the desired objectives in supporting the bilateral relations between the Sultanate and Korea and push them to wider horizons to serve the interests of the two friendly countries. 

Dr. Yahya Al Mantheri stressed the importance of such visits in strengthening relations between the two countries in various fields and opening new avenues for bilateral cooperation, especially encouraging mutual investments and benefiting from the opportunities available in the economic and free zones in both countries.

He noted the distinguished Omani-Korean relations in the political and economic fields and pointed out in this regard that Korea was one of the first countries with which the Sultanate established diplomatic relations at the beginning of the blessed Renaissance. Adding further he said, “We looked forward to further cooperation in the fields of education and culture.”

During the meeting, they reviewed the prospects of bilateral cooperation in various fields and ways to support and develop it, especially in the parliamentary aspects.

For his part, the President of the National Assembly of Korea expressed his happiness regarding the visit to the Sultanate, and thanked them for the warm welcome and hospitality.

“We look forward to further development, prosperity and growth in our relations with the Sultanate, which will contribute to deepening cooperation and push forward the progress and progress of relations between the two friendly countries,” he said.

He stressed on the keenness of his country to develop relations with the Sultanate and to include all aspects, and its willingness to enter into investment partnerships in the interest of both countries.

The meeting was attended by two Vice-Chairmen of the State Council and a number of honoured members of the Council, the Secretary General of the Council, Mohamed Al Ghassani, Deputy Speaker of Majlis Shura Council and the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Sultanate.

'Source: Timesofoman