Live media coverage on Kuwait's election day

Kuwait's Ministry of Information turned into a hive of activity, as soon as the parliament was dissolved in October, setting all its sectors and capacities in full swing to work around the clock, preparing for covering the new elections on November 26, Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) reported.
The ministry said it would provide a live minute-by-minute coverage on election day. Media in Kuwait and overseas will benefit a lot.

Studio 800 and the communication and media centres have been provided with state of the art technology, and the human efficiencies to help guests and media figures coming from different world countries to cover the event.

This will, no doubt, help offer a full image of the whole process since the voting starts in the early morning, till the polling stations are closed, then the sorting out of votes and the announcement of initial, and later, the final results in the country's five constituencies, KUNA reported.