the hashemite kingdom of jordan

Jordan on Sunday stepped up diplomacy to stop the escalation in Jerusalem and carry Israel to rescind unilateral moves, by which it tries to impose a new reality in the Al-Aqsa Mosque/the Al-Haram Al-Sharif.

In its contacts, the Kingdom stresses that restoring calm requires the removal of electronic gates set up by Israel at the entrance to the mosque and respect the legal and historical status of the holy sites.

Jordan had called for an emergency Arab foreign ministers meeting, to discuss the situation in Jerusalem, and was agreed to be held next Thursday.

Minister of Foreign and Expatriate Affairs, Ayman Safadi, discussed with Arab and foreign counterparts, ways to coordinate steps to end the crisis and Jordan’s efforts to protect the holy sites.

Safadi discussed the situation in Jerusalem with his Omani counterpart, Yusuf bin Alawi, who affirmed his country’s support for Jordanian efforts led by His Majesty King Abdullah II to end the tension on the foundations that protect holy sites.

The foreign minister also discussed Jerusalem with his German counterpart, Sigmar Gabriel, France’s Jean-Yves Le Drian, Norway’s Borge Brende and Margot Wallstrom of Sweden.

Safadi briefed his counterparts on the Kingdom’s efforts to end the crisis on the basis of a solution that protects the holy sites and preserves their security.

The ministers commended Jordan’s role in this regard, underlining their support to its efforts on foundations that guarantee security and stability.

Source: Fana News