President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Nayef

Investigations mounted by the state security prosecution into the case of the so-called Wilayet Sinai, an offshoot of terrorist group Daesh, revealed that the group scheme targeted President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Nayef during the president's presence in Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah (minor pilgrimage).

The investigations also revealed the national security apparatus had warned that six bearded police officers planned to assassinate the president inside Egypt through attacking his motorcade but the state security agencies foiled their scheme.

The investigations pointed out that 22 cells of Wilayet Sinai committed many crimes including the killing of several judges who participated in recent parliamentary election.

They also targeted armed forces soldiers in North Sinai and battalion 101 of the armed forces. 

Some 292 elements of the terrorist group were referred on Sunday to a military court over the plot.

Source: MENA