The Lower House

 The Lower House Tuesday passed the amended laws to the 2017 Execution Law and Regular Court Formation Law in a morning session chaired by Speaker Atef Tarawneh and attended by cabinet ministers.

The lawmakers agreed to accredit one of the two most circulated daily newspapers as a means to advertise the sale of impounded properties and put them up at auction instead of advertising in a daily newspaper as was the case in the original law.

The amended Execution Law is meant to update and facilitate procedures for execution of verdicts as it grants the execution judge the authority to impound the debtor’s movable and immovable assets before the expiry of the notification for execution in case the debtor starts smuggling his assets.

The bill also grants the execution department the power to store executive lawsuit data and documents by electronic means, and also regulates matters related to impounded vehicles.

The amended Regular Court Formation Law aims to achieve the specialty of judges and broaden their powers by the creation of specialized judicial chambers and also sets the powers of Magistrates Court and Court of First Instance Judges in issuing verdicts .

According to its mandating reasons, the bill aims to ensure quality procedures, speed up litigation and ease the burdens on the Cassation Court by raising the amount in appealed lawsuits from JD 5,000 to JD 10,000.

Source: Fana News