presentation of the third Isa Award for Services to Humanity

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa patronised the presentation of the third Isa Award for Services to Humanity (2015-2017) to Egyptian “Children’s Cancer Hospital Foundation.
His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa attended the ceremony held this evening at the Isa Cutural Centre.
HM the King was welcomed on arrival at the venue by Deputy Premier, Isa Award for Services to Humanity Board of Trustees’ Chairman HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al-Khalifa.
The ceremony started with Quran recitation; then HM the King delivered the following speech:

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, Mohammad and his family and companions.

We witness together on this day the outcome of the Isa Award for Service to Humanity.

This year, we celebrate the third session of the Award during the Holy Month of Ramadan, in which the Holy Quran was revealed as guidance and mercy to mankind, a month that we were graced by Allah to fast and pray.

We pray to Allah the Almighty to make it a blessed month for our country and our dear people, with even greater prosperity prevailing over the Arab and Islamic worlds.

On this blessed occasion, we recall the memory of His Highness Shaikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, may his soul rest in peace, who became a symbol of this nation, and whose noble qualities and values guided the country’s pride and glory.

His Highness led the Kingdom’s journey of development for three decades, during which there was a significant shift in the nation’s political, economic and social development.

We attach great pride and appreciation to the role played by this prestigious Award in serving humanity.It has transcended borders and has truly achieved the purpose for which it was established : to commemorate the father of the nation.

The Award embodies His Highness’ humility and kindness, his closeness to his people, and his charitable nature to help those in need, which earned him the love, respect and appreciation of all.

This award also represents the enduring characteristics of the people of the Kingdom of Bahrain, as people of harmony, brotherhood, religious coexistence and culture, that serve humanity and contribute to the progress of human well-being.

We are pleased that the recipient of the Award this year has dedicated their work and efforts to the medical treatment of children, to researching the causes and treatment of malignant and fatal diseases, in addition to being from a brotherly Arab country.We cherish our ties with the nation and its distinguished leadership.

This year’s recipient is the Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt.

We are pleased to extend our sincere congratulations to Dr Amr Ezzat Salameh, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and to the hospital and its staff upon receiving the Isa Award for Service to Humanity.

We extend our thanks and appreciation for their compassionate efforts, and wish them every success in their future work.

We are also pleased to thank the people behind the Award, particularly His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, for their successful efforts, and choice.

In conclusion, we ask Allah that this Award continues to support and encourage the work of righteousness and good that serves people, wherever they are, in loving memory of His Highness Shaikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, may he rest in peace.

Peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.”

HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al-Khalifa delivered the following speech:
In the name of Allah, the Merciful,

Your Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa,

Your Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, Prime Minister.

Your Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister.

Your Highnesses, Your Excellencies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Your Majesty,

It is a great pleasure for me to appear before Your Majesty on this blessed day during this Holy Month, and to present the results of the rewarding task that Your Majesty has given me.

On behalf of the Award’s Board of Trustees, and the Awardjury, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Your Majesty for patronising this Award, which complements other proud achievements and developments during your glorious reign.

Thanks to Your Majesty’s patronage and care, the Isa Award for Service to Humanity has become an international award for those in the field of humanitarian service, who bring hope to the needy wherever they exist.

The Award is for those who restore happiness, hope and opportunity, and who save others from suffering, painand destitution.

Whether these individuals are part of organisations or associations, what unites and motivates them is the same faith and selflessness.

It is their allegiance to the noble values that underpin this award, which bears the name of Your Majesty’s late father, may he rest in peace.

This Award is inspired by His Highness’ qualities and his fondness for good deeds, which were inherent in his virtuous career. Indeed, His Highness was an example of compassion and a symbol of generosity and altruism.

His people knew him as a wise leader, just in his rule, who listened to the troubled, who took their hand and urged righteousness and charity, and help for the weak.

This Award, which Your Majesty has fully supported since its establishment, has become known for its recognition of hard work and the examination of important issues.

It is only natural for the Award to receive praise and recognition, and to be welcomed and praised in forums and by organisations at the heart of human service.

The Award’s objectives are to help support these organisations’ purposes and to explain their goals among communities.

The Award takes forward the service of human values, without requiring or making a distinction between geographical areas, or any category over the other. It has excluded itself from any consideration of any ethnic, sectarian or religious affiliation.

On these foundations, the Isa Award for Service to Humanity and its long-term aspirations continue to shine.

The methodology adopted by the jury committee was based on criteria including quality, transparency, and breadth of service.

Following Your Majesty’s guidance, and in honour of the spirit of the Decree that established this award, the Board of Trustees and the jury committee spent almost two years completing the task entrusted to them.

In order to be worthy of Your Majesty’s trust, the Board of Trustees reached their decision after consideration of 137 competing projects.

The committee, having concluded its work on the current session, is reassured that the most worthy and honourable project among the five final projects considered has been selected.

The members of the committee consulted with each other at length, exchanging frank opinions.

The committee looked closely, fairly and objectively at the nominations and, through field inspections, explored how each project worked.

This process was carried out in search of the best and most comprehensive project that fulfilled the conditions, specifications and objectives of the Isa Award for Service to Humanity.

We are pleased to announce that the Award for the current session has been granted to a medical institution which the committee considered worthy by all standards; in its objectives, its working methods, its management and future programmes, and in the breadth of its humanitarian services.

The winning organisation has demonstrated its ability to secure donations and grants from individuals, institutions, organisations and countries, through wide-ranging awareness and mobilisation campaigns that touch the hearts of millions of people.

The committee believes that the conditions of the Award are fully met in this model medical institution, which treats children with cancer in the Arab Republic of Egypt and other Arab countries, with high rates of recovery, thanks to Allah.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This institution, which is one of the world’s most renowned hospitals specialising in the treatment of all types of cancers in children, is the product of voluntary goodwill and tangible evidence of the good inherent in humans.

As a consequence, the hospital, which combines treatment with scientific research to reduce the spread of this deadly disease, has become a destination for doctors and specialists from different countries.

Your Majesty,

The Kingdom of Bahrain, under your wise leadership, warmly welcomesthe decision of the Award committee that knows how to reward virtuousness.

It is an achievement that deepens the awareness of Bahrainis to fulfil our shared duty to carry out good deeds, and always livefollowing the example of Your Majesty’s father, may he rest in peace.

TheAward will continue to be associated with his name and memory as long as good deeds exist on this earth.

May Allah help us all for the good of humanity and happiness.

And the peace and mercy of Allah be upon you.”

HM the King and the attendees then watched a documentary film in tribute to later HH Shaikh Isa bin Salman Al-Khalifa.

Then Award Jury member Dr. Em. Branco delivered the following speech:

Your Majesty
Your Royal Highnesses
Your Excellencies
Ladies and Gentlemen
It’s my great pleasure and a honor, to address this singular audience, on behalf of my colleagues, members of the jury of the Isa Award for Services to Humanity łand express to Your Majesty our gratitude for the trust you’ve placed upon us to select the five final candidates to this important award, the result of your inspiration and generosity.
Since Your Majesty decided to create this award in 2009,the world did change dramatically, with new dynamics of political and geopolitical disruptions. As a result of new conflicts and wars or of natural disasters, we’ve been experiencing a succession of humanitarian crises which confirm the opportunity, the merit and the singularity of this award.
In this sense, it is a small light in the darkness of so many people suffering the world these days, not only by what it means as a contribution for those institutions that receive it, but mainly by what it represents as a signal of sensitivity to individual human suffering beyond the collective dimension of human tragedies.
This year, the “Children’s Cancer Hospital Foundation”,best known by its account number, 57357, appeared to us unanimously as meeting all the criteria outlined in the royal decree that instituted the Award.The idea to built a hospital with these characteristics appeared in 1999 but only in 2007 it was possible to finish it.
It’s the result of many individual and institutional donations and contributions, functioning like a non-governmental organization, being the largest hospital of its kind in Egypt and in the region.
I am sure we all agree that, to contribute to the alleviation of children’s suffering, is the most noble task a human being can assume, and that’s the daily purpose of the institution that we decided to award today.
Finally, I want to thank the board of trustees and its chairman His Highness Shaikh Mohammed Mubarak , Vice Prime Minister, as well as the members of the secretariat of the award and in particular our Secretary General, Ali Abdullah Khalifa in his infinite patience and gentleness.
Your Majesty, we thank you very kindly.”

A documentary film was then screened highlighting the achievements and activities of the oncology hospital.

HM the King then presented the third Isa Award for Services to Humanities to Egyptian “Children’s Cancer Hospital Foundation” board of Trustees’ Chairman Dr. Amro Ezzet Salama. .

Dr. Salama delivered a speech paying tribute to HM the King, the Award board of Trustees and the Kingdom of Bahrain and its people, hailing deep-rooted fraternal relations.

The ceremony was attended also by senior members of the Royal Family, Council of Representatives Speaker, Shura Council Chairman, Mps, Shura Council members, board of trustees’ members, governors, senior BDF, Interior Minister and National Guard officers, diplomats and other attendees.

Source: Fana News