Gaza - Maan
Hamas security forces have launched an arrest campaign against Fatah leaders and affiliates in the Gaza Strip, Fatah said in a statement on Sunday. Hamas security forces raided the home of Fatah official Abed al-Aziz al- Maqadma on Thursday, confiscating his computer and mobile phone. He was taken to internal security headquarters in northern Gaza, where he is still being detained. Hamas security forces also detained Fatah officials Issa Darwish and Hussein Abu Hilayel on Friday, with both officials still being held for unknown reasons. Abed al-Jawad Ziyada, Walid Sbeih, Jalil Ishteiwi, and Raed Abu Hussein were summoned for questioning for participating in Fatah activities. Fatah said the arrests were flagrant assaults and violate previous arrangements made during reconciliation talks, which agreed to end to politically motivated arrests. The party called on Hamas to end all violations against its members. A Fatah MP on Friday warned of an impending security campaign by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, after its security forces raided the homes of several Fatah leaders in the enclave. Majed Abu Shamallah said Hamas forces raided the home of Khalil Abu Hasna, the executive director of the National Commission for Development and Islamic Solidarity, early Friday morning. The MP said Hamas forces confiscated Abu Hasna\'s cell phone, laptop, documents and his children\'s iPad.