Gaza - Anadolu
Palestinian political and armed resistance groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad condemned the agreement between members of the Arab League and US officials in Washington proposing land swap between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Hamas leader Salah al Bardawil told Anadolu Agency that the agreement demonstration of Arab countries' inability. Baradawil reminded the Oslo Accord 20 years ago and Israel's rejection of it. The Islamic Jihad also condemned the efforts and underlined that they will fight till the Palestinian refugees get their right of return. On the other side, Saeb Erekat of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) said that he welcomed the efforts. Qatar's prime minister and foreign minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani said on Monday Israel and the Palestinians could trade land rather than conform exactly to their 1967 borders after he and a group of Arab officials met US Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss how to promote Israeli-Palestinian peace.