Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri said the will of the valiant Armed Forces and the clear objectives of the foreign policy safeguard the nation, adding the nation's will determines its future and the Armed Forces are capable of protecting.

Speaking on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of Sinai Liberation Day on Monday, the minister extolled the battle of the Armed Forces to restore the Egyptian lands.He cited the role played by the Armed Forces in support of the Egyptian people during the revolutions of January 25, 2011 and June 30, 2013.

He further underlined that President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's tours of Arab, African, European and Asian countries over the past two years reflected Egypt's clear policy that depends on establishing strategic partnerships with other countries at the regional and international levels.

Egypt is currently facing unprecedented challenges and direct threats to its national security and interests, topped by terrorism, Egypt's neighboring countries' fragmentation and growing foreign interference, Shoukry said. 

Egypt is now taking confident steps toward greater stability, peace and security, he concluded

Source: MENA